Vaří Petr večeři?
- Is Peter cooking?
- Is Peter cooking dinner?
- Is cooking Peter dinner?
Píše Peggy svůj domácí úkol?
- Is Peggy writing her homework?
- Is Peggy writing my homework?
- Peggy is writing her homework?
Já nepomáhám svému otci.
- I am helping my father.
- I am helping father.
- I am not helping my father.
Ona nedělá svůj domácí úkol v pokoji.
- She is doing her homework in the kitchen.
- She is not doing her homework in the living room.
- She is not doing homework in the living room.
Tom se dívá na televizi v obývacím pokoji.
- Tom is not watching TV in the living room.
- Tom is watching TV in the kitchen.
- Tom is watching TV in the living room.
Paní Černá nesedí v kuchyni.
- Mr Black is not sitting in the kitchen.

- Mrs Black is sitting in the kitchen.
- Mrs Black is not sitting in the kitchen.
Pan Novák nečte noviny v obývacím pokoji.
- Mr Novak is not reading in the living room.

- Mr Novak is reading paper in the living room.
- Mr Novak is not reading paper in the living room.
Dominik hraje fotbal se svým kamarádem Petrem.
- Dominik is playing footbal with her friend Peter.

- Dominik is playing footbal with his friend Peter.
- Dominik is not playing football with his friend Peter.
Pavel nečte knihu o modelech aut.
- Paul is reading a book about model cars.
- Paul is reading book about model cars.
- Paul is not reading a book about model cars.
Umývá paní Černá nádobí v kuchyni?
- Is Mrs Black washing the dishes in living room?
- Is Mrs Black washing dishes in the living room?
- Is Mrs Black washing the dishes in the kitchen?
Já nečtu knihu, já si hraji se svým rytířem.
- I am not reading a book, I am not playing with my knight.
- I am reading a book, I am playing with my knight.
- I am not reading a book, I am playing with my knight.
Ona nepíše svůj domácí úkol, ona se dívá na televizi.
- She is not doing her homework, she is watching TV.
- She is doing her homework, she is not watching TV.
- She is not doing her homework, she is washing TV.
Co tady dělá?
- What is he doing here?
- What is he doing there?
- What is he do here?
Co děláš?
- What are doing?
- What you doing?
- What are you doing?
Pojď sem a pomoz mi, prosím.
- Come her and help me, please.
- Come here and help me, please.
- Come there and help me, please.